Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Do you want to know : "what's really goin' on?"

Now some might want to know how I got this blog title. Well let me tell you "what's really goin' on". So my friend Josephine (not her real name) told me to look at this particular web-site where she set up this blog. I thought to my self "this just might be a way to let people know what I am thinking and what's on my mind". I frequently ask myself the question "what's really goin on" when the pitfalls of life may have no explanation.

My conclusion: life may not always give you what you want in your timing but if you stay on top of your spiritual self-assessment and are true to yourself, I believe you will soon find out "what's really goin' on". You don't need to have the answers to this question immediately. Some things are better left "unknown".

The Master plan: The master plan you can achieve if you would stop and just believe that God knows what's in your heart...believe in Him and you will start to know the plan He has for you so will you start to know Him too?


  1. Hey Big-Sis, I will be following you. Start jotting down your notes (you know what for). It's about to be on girrrrrrl!!!

    Peace & Love,
    Your Baby Sister,

    Lisi W.-Thimas

  2. Hey Auntie!
    I am so excited that you are blogging I can't wait to hear about "What's really going on" This is so neat writing... must be in our blood b/c I luv writing and I luv reading good material.

    Luv You,
    Krystal :o)
